An intergenerational singing project
Thanks to a grant from Leeds Community Foundation through Helping Hand Fund, we ran a pilot project of intergenerational singing sessions in 3 different venues in Leeds to explore the successful running of intergenerational sessions in each venue.
The project launched in May 2019 at Kirkstall Abbey Visitor's Centre with a special session for Queen Victoria's 200th birthday! It was a great success and we loved seeing so many people of all ages singing together. We met with partners on the pilot project in December 2019 and all agreed it was a huge success!
Thanks to a grant from Youth Music, we continued the sessions at Children's Centres around Leeds in 2020. During Covid restrictions, we ran a postcard correspondence project with some of the participants.
Whilst we aren't currently running this intergenerational project, we run regular singing sessions with HOPS once a month.