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Part Artists
Below is a list of artists that have played at one of our Made with Music Mini-Gigs. You can listen to them on our Spotify Past-Artist Playlist.
Beth Mackey
A favourite with the Made with Music crowd! Performs live with accompanists Jenny Martins or Digory Price.
During lockdown, we brought music to your own home, you can see the videos on our YouTube channel. Past artists include: Chloe Hayward and Georgie Tiley (Voci), Fran Minney, Fran Wyburn, Fuzzy Jones, Happy Daggers, Heir, Jenny Martins and Chris Pulleyn, Lindenbaum Modular, Martyn Roper (Washboard Resonators), Miranda Arieh, Neil Balfour & Ewan Gilford, Nicky Bray, and The Honeybirds.
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