£5 donation voucher and badge
A £5 donation voucher towards the work of Made with Music. The voucher will be posted to your address with a pin badge and is blank on the back for your message. We can also write a message for you and send direct to the recipient if you prefer! Options for donation are £5, £10, £25 and £50.
[Image descriptions]
First picture shows a green postcard with text and space for a purple 'Made with Music' pin badge. Second picture shows a purple circular pin badge with the words 'Made with Music' written in white pinned to a denim jacket.
Text on the postcard image reads:
£5 donation
Your donation could pay for a child to attend one of our weekly early years music classes. We offer free and subsidised places to families who are unable to pay. Thank you for your support.
Any money that cannot be spent on the project stated will go towards the cost of hiring a High Dependency Unit (Changing Places trailer) at our fully accessible mini-gigs, ensuring families with a disabled family member can attend our events. Registered charity number 1177738
Price includes second class postage or hand delivery locally, whichever is most economical for our small charity.
If you need your item more quickly, please contact us and we'll do our best!