Giving to Made with Music
Help us deliver our aim of providing accessible live music for all families!
By giving to Made with Music, you're be supporting our work to achieve our goals. Every penny goes towards fulfilling the vital work we do. We really appreciate your support!
Hover over the circles below to see the impact of your donation.


A £7 donation could pay for a child to attend one of our weekly early years music classes. We offer free and subsidised places to families who are unable to pay.


A £15 donation could pay for a specialist instrument for a child to use in music workshops in the hospital or at a family support group.


A £30 donation could pay for a family ticket to a fully accessible Mini-Gig. We offer free and subsidised places to families who are unable to pay.


A £50 donation could contribute towards a music session for new mums with postnatal depression. Singing has been shown to speed up recovery.
One of the biggest expenses we incur is hiring a changing places toilet for our mini-gigs. This is a fully accessible mobile toilet for older disabled children and adults providing a safe place to go to the toilet; something most of us take for granted. Each time we hire this, it costs us around £500 and as with everything, costs are going up.
Having regular donations will help us to provide this more widely and more frequently.
Ways to Give to Made with Music
Click on the links below to find out ways to Give to Made with Music, or contact us if you need any more information.